Summer Activities for Teenagers Series: The Foodie

Our Summer Activities for Teenagers Series is the perfect place to find things to do in the summer! In this installment, we have lots of ideas for ‘The Foodie’ in your family!

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The Foodie

For the one who could cook a whole meal from scratch for the family before they were ten, asks for baking supplies for Christmas, and watches The Food Network every day…

Summer Activities for Teenagers
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Show off your chef skills…

  • Plan weekly themed cultural dinners 
  • Have a fondue night
  • Try your hand at homemade pasta
  • Find a new recipe online and try it out for dinner
  • Tweak one of your family’s go-to recipes and see if everyone likes it
  • Elevate a simple meal to make it elegant
  • Host a dinner party

Bake a batch of yummy goodness…

  • Make your own candy
  • Make a fancy cheesecake from scratch
  • Experiment with muffin recipes
  • Bake some homemade bread
  • Bake a cake
  • Watch cake decorating videos
  • Practice cake decorating with fondant, flower making, and piping

Summer Activities for Teenagers
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Summer Activities for Teenagers
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Find your place in the food business…

  • Create a YouTube cooking channel
  • Create a recipe/cooking blog
  • Take food photos to sell as stock photos

Create memories with food…

  • Make a family cookbook
  • Make a cooking video

Summer Activities for Teenagers
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Summer Activities for Teenagers
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Savor the summer…

  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Make homemade popsicles
  • Make your favorite Starbucks drinks at home
  • Experiment with smoothie recipes
  • Re-create Disney treats at home
  • Create your own popcorn flavors

Interested in creating a foodie blog?

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Disclaimer: All activities in this series may not be suitable for every teenager. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to determine whether their teens are of appropriate age, maturity, and ability to participate in any given activity. It’s a Joyous Journey LLC takes no responsibility for any accident, injury, behavior, damage, etc. resulting from any person’s involvement in any activity listed in this series. Please note that many activities involve the internet/social media. We take no responsibility for any content on any website other than our own. Please monitor your teen according to your own family’s internet/social media guidelines.

What could you add to our Summer Activities for Teenagers Series: The Foodie? Comment below…

I love to share my passion for family, faith, learning, and adventure! I am a worship pastor's wife, a homeschool mom, a former public school teacher and counselor, and a Ph.D. in educational psychology. My heart is to encourage and support families who are homeschooling kids with ADHD, homeschooling high school, and raising teenagers. I'm so excited for you to follow along on this joyous journey!


  1. Eva Keller Reply

    My little sister and I used to do themed movie nights and make dinner or snacks that fit it. Like for Wizard Of Oz we got food of every color of the rainbow. It was mostly fruit and we actually got stomach aches from eating too much fruit that night. We also did themed food for the National Treasure and Pirates of the Caribbean franchises.

    • Melissa F Reply

      That’s a great idea, Eva! Sounds like so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sarah Camp Reply

    These are wonderful suggestions. I don’t have kids but have many friends who do and are struggling to find things to do with them during the summer – cooking is a great way to help them learn some valuable life skills!

    • Melissa F Reply

      Thanks, Sarah! Please feel free to share this post and the others in our Summer Activities for Teenagers Series with your friends!

  3. Sandi Reply

    Teens are tough, great suggestions.

  4. Holly Reply

    Great service, especially this year! The teens will love this and the parents will be happy too!

  5. Barbara Reply

    Great ideas! Thanks!

  6. leeandra Reply

    These are great ideas!

  7. Karie Reply

    Great ideas! I love the cookbook idea. I think it would be cool for teens to research family recipes and make a cookbook. That way they get to learn about family as well.

    • Melissa F Reply

      Yes! We have one that my mom did several years back, but I think it would be good for the kids to do one, too!

  8. Cindy Reply

    With dome tweaking this could also be good for younger souls. Thank you for the inspiration!

    • Melissa F Reply

      You’re welcome! I think so, too!

  9. Lisa, Casey, and Barrett Dog Reply

    Such wonderful ideas and suggestions!

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